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Tunneling to behind the firewall (Beta 1) - How to use

Let's create a tunnel and use Remote Desktop in order to see how to use it:

1. Start the GUIConnector

2. Press the connect button on a toolbar
3. Enter the details to connect to ForwarderServer and press the first Connect button (If credentials are left blank NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON will be used. Look here for details on how to restrict anonymous connections)
4. Select the ClientConnector from list, enter the user name and password for the selected ClientConnector and press the second Connect button

5. After the connection is established the connection, encryption and signing buttons on the status bar will get green color

6. Select Tunnels from the Tools menu

7. Press New tunnel button in the Tunnel Manager and enter the following details (as shown in picture) to create the tunnel:
  Local port:any free port on you local computer for listening
  Remote server:IP address of the computer on you work network that you want to establish the tunnel to. This might be you work computer or any other computer on your work network. You can use the ... button to resolve the remote names.
  Remote port:the port of the service on remote network that you want to connect to (for example 3389 for remote desktop or 80 for HTTP).

8. Now open the remote desktop client and connect to localhost:3333 as shown in the picture